Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) – Faculty members are intimated about the newly arrived books and journals related to their subjects and areas of interest.
Current Awareness Service (CAS) – Current trends and happenings appearing in the latest journals related to different areas of education are publicized on the library notice board for the benefit of all.
New Arrivals Display – The cover page of the new arrivals is displayed on the notice board while exhibitions of books on different topics related to the syllabus are laid out in the library.
‘Granth-Tulas’ – Every month a book is identified and displayed in the ‘Granth-Tulas’ kept in the library. Such a display may have books which are rich in content but are rarely read or those which reflect a fresh issue which needs attention of the readers or at times it may be a thematic display.
Inter Library Loan – College library has tied up with St. Teresa’s Institute of Education and Hashu Advani College of Education to facilitate the users with diverse collection of library resources.
E-Service: College is a member of NLIST programme of INFLIBNET. NLIST provides e-books and e-journals on various subjects to its members. The college faculty and research scholars are provided with User ID and passwords to access this facility.
News Paper Clippings: Newspaper clippings related to current trends and issues of Education are displayed on the college notice board.
External Membership: Library provides membership to M.A Education and IGNOU students, members of Gujarat Research society and teachers of Jasudben M. L. School. The guest readers and the alumni are provided membership for three days charging a nominal fee.
Photocopy Service: Photocopy facility is extended to the staff and student teachers of the college.
Library Orientation: Introducing and orienting the new batch of student teachers to acquaint them with the resources of the library.
Theme based Exhibition: This is invariably arranged to let the users know about the knowledge bank available with the college.
Book-Bank: The book bank facility is extended to the student teachers which allows them to keep books related to their curriculum for the whole academic year.
Question Papers: Question papers of previous years are available for photocopying. Besides, question papers are also uploaded on the college website.
Current Awareness Service (CAS) – Current trends and happenings appearing in the latest journals related to different areas of education are publicized on the library notice board for the benefit of all.
New Arrivals Display – The cover page of the new arrivals is displayed on the notice board while exhibitions of books on different topics related to the syllabus are laid out in the library.
‘Granth-Tulas’ – Every month a book is identified and displayed in the ‘Granth-Tulas’ kept in the library. Such a display may have books which are rich in content but are rarely read or those which reflect a fresh issue which needs attention of the readers or at times it may be a thematic display.
Inter Library Loan – College library has tied up with St. Teresa’s Institute of Education and Hashu Advani College of Education to facilitate the users with diverse collection of library resources.
E-Service: College is a member of NLIST programme of INFLIBNET. NLIST provides e-books and e-journals on various subjects to its members. The college faculty and research scholars are provided with User ID and passwords to access this facility.
News Paper Clippings: Newspaper clippings related to current trends and issues of Education are displayed on the college notice board.
External Membership: Library provides membership to M.A Education and IGNOU students, members of Gujarat Research society and teachers of Jasudben M. L. School. The guest readers and the alumni are provided membership for three days charging a nominal fee.
Photocopy Service: Photocopy facility is extended to the staff and student teachers of the college.
Library Orientation: Introducing and orienting the new batch of student teachers to acquaint them with the resources of the library.
Theme based Exhibition: This is invariably arranged to let the users know about the knowledge bank available with the college.
Book-Bank: The book bank facility is extended to the student teachers which allows them to keep books related to their curriculum for the whole academic year.
Question Papers: Question papers of previous years are available for photocopying. Besides, question papers are also uploaded on the college website.