At HJCE we believe that Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents.
Parent Teachers Association (PTA) at HJCE is a non-profit, non–political and non– sectarian organization made up of college faculty and parents which work to sustain the promotion and continuity of sound, meaningful and quality education for the students of HJCE.
The aims and objectives of the association are:
To provide a platform for parents, guardians, and teachers of students of HJCE to meet, exchange ideas / views, deeply analyse issues, make recommendations and effectively pursue the implementation of decisions on matters affecting education/learning.
To foster mutual understanding, harmonious relationship and cooperation among parents, guardians, and teachers in the fulfilment of their common aim, the welfare of the college and the pupils/students therein.
To make for a healthy understanding of the education policies and programs of the college and create an appropriate and conducive climate for reception of the same.
Membership of association shall be open to –
- Parents/guardians whose wards are students of HJCE. Such participation shall be non – political and non –religious.
- Any person who is a member of the teaching faculty of HJCE
The composition of HJCE PTA
Principal, HJCE
Faculty Coordinator
Two Senior Faculty
All parents whose wards are current students of HJCE
Parent Teachers Association (PTA) at HJCE is a non-profit, non–political and non– sectarian organization made up of college faculty and parents which work to sustain the promotion and continuity of sound, meaningful and quality education for the students of HJCE.
The aims and objectives of the association are:
To provide a platform for parents, guardians, and teachers of students of HJCE to meet, exchange ideas / views, deeply analyse issues, make recommendations and effectively pursue the implementation of decisions on matters affecting education/learning.
To foster mutual understanding, harmonious relationship and cooperation among parents, guardians, and teachers in the fulfilment of their common aim, the welfare of the college and the pupils/students therein.
To make for a healthy understanding of the education policies and programs of the college and create an appropriate and conducive climate for reception of the same.
Membership of association shall be open to –
- Parents/guardians whose wards are students of HJCE. Such participation shall be non – political and non –religious.
- Any person who is a member of the teaching faculty of HJCE
The composition of HJCE PTA
Principal, HJCE
Faculty Coordinator
Two Senior Faculty
All parents whose wards are current students of HJCE