Computer cum ET/ICT Lab
“There can be infinite uses of the computer and new age technology, but if the teachers themselves are not able to bring it into the classroom and make it work, then it fails.” Nancy Kassebaum
Keeping this in mind, the college focuses on training student-teachers in integrating technology effectively in classroom teaching learning. For the same purpose, the college has a well equipped ICT facilities such as Hi-tech all in one Computers, Laptops, Printers, Scanners, Photocopier Machines, Interactive Projectors, Smart Boards, Video Conferencing Units, Digital Podiums, Information Kiosk and Digital Signage. Student-teachers are motivated to use ICT facilities and collate information related to theory and practicum. Free internet facility is provided to all the student-teachers.
In a digital world, student-teachers must be prepared for new technologies and new ways of working. Developing these 21st-century skills in the classroom can transform economy. Therefore, college has been conducting computer classes for more than two decades to prepare techno-savvy student-teachers. They are trained in the practical application of computers with respect to preparation of letters, annotation, mark sheet, presentations, posters, use of internet in the teaching learning process, designing website using HTML and Dreamweaver. The student-teachers are trained in the use of smartboards to enhance their effectiveness as techno-savvy teachers. The various application software, like Geogebra, Netlogo, Audacity, Focusky, My Movie, Camstudio etc. essential to be learnt by the student teachers are installed on these computers to provide hands on training and for preparation of Instructional material. It helps them to be effective teachers in the digital world.